Friday, April 18, 2008

The 'Elusive' Catholic Vote

The presidential election looms closer with each passing day, and everyone with a keyboard and a voice is eager to sound off.
Devout Catholics in the United States are often left in a difficult position when it comes to electing their leaders. The economy, the war in Iraq, our unilateral approach to foreign policy - these issues leave all voters reeling as we attempt to find footing and a solid moral decision.
Many Catholic writers, clergy, and laity have spoken in the last couple decades, and their voice is clear. Vote for the candidate that is against abortion. Apparently, it’s that simple. Watch some sound bites from the candidates, read an article about how they’ve treated the issue in the past, and their you have it! Choice made.
Deacon Keith Fournier of has written articles at length concerning the issue. He clearly states in reference to abortion and embryonic stem cell research that he “…will not support any candidate who is wrong on this issue…” I respect the man’s opinion, particularly since it seems to be the zombie-like mantra that most practicing Catholic voters repeat ad nauseum. One can hardly speak to a devout Christian without them stressing vehemently that this is the single issue of our time; that the Almighty will most certainly mete out swift vengeance to us here and in the hereafter if we do not vote solely on this topic. I cannot help but wonder if perhaps we aren’t being a little short sighted, and perhaps a tad irresponsible.
First of all, perhaps this sounds selfish - but is it not our duty as mothers and fathers to care about the children we do have? That is to say, the economy effects everyone, not just pro-abortion pundits. The social teaching of the Catholic Church in the United States asks it’s members to forget about your wallet, forget about the family you love and strive to live for. You need only think about the unborn children, lest you dance with sins of a grave matter. Some go as far as to say that voting for a pro-abortion candidate is tantamount to full cooperation with abortion itself.
Am I being selfish? Maybe. But as Catholics and parents is that not our vocation? To put our family first? We know we are to put others before ourselves, but others before out spouse and children as well?
Another issue markedly absent in Catholic political discussion is the environment. Granted, Pope Benedict XVI has been clear that our duty as human beings is to be responsible and care for our planet. How do I know this? I certainly didn’t read it in a Church bulletin or during a politically charged homily. The discussion seems to be a moot point to United States Catholics, despite the fact that abortion and stem-cell research will be a distant memory if our planet becomes completely uninhabitable due to negligence.
As Catholic voters, we are all used to playing the numbers game when determining who is the ‘more’ pro-life candidate. We must look at abortion, stem-cell research, the death penalty, etc. We should even look at the war in Iraq and our foreign policy - which candidate is likely to cause less suffering and death in the overall picture?
It seems that due to the influence of a few rather obtuse individuals, Catholics have become one-issue voters. This becomes self-defeating because candidates know this, and they can play it to their advantage. Senator John McCain, while he supports the death penalty, the war in Iraq, embryonic stem cell research, and does not seem to care for the environment, he claims he is against abortion. With that single declaration, he seems to have obtained the Catholic vote.
Aren’t we better than that?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.